A New Direction

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We at 3:16 Christian Community Church have moved into a new facility in Longview, NC.  The old Forest City Tool office building was purchased by the 3:16 congregation in the spring of 2016. For nearly sixty years our church family has served both our local and global community and we are excited to continue serving from our new location.  The address of our new building is 720 23rd Street Northwest, Hickory, NC 28601.  (Just look for the big, blue Longview water storage tower and we’re directly across the street)

3:16 CCC has an ongoing desire to connect with people by creating an environment for ministry that will segue into interactive relationships. These developing friendships create a natural avenue through which the gospel is communicated from friend to friend, establishing an ever increasing network of Christ-followers. We at 3:16 CCC are pursuing opportunities to better make this vision a reality. More importantly, we sense that we are responding to a call that is God-directed and must therefore be followed.


Thru the work of volunteers and staff we desire to be a transforming presence in our community.  Every spring we plant a Community Garden full of tomatoes, squash, cucumbers and peppers.  We host monthly summer outdoor cook-outs and winter Community Bingo nights.  We have Worship Services and Prayer Meetings, go on service trips and work projects.  We seek to be a place that the surrounding community sees as a beacon of light and hope – a people who proclaim the Word of God and life-changing power of a Risen Savior.  

Donations are tax-deductible; any checks can be made out to 3:16 CCC Building Fund and mailed to: 3:16 CCC, 720 23rd Street NW,  PO Box 3369 Hickory, NC 28603.  Online donations can be made by clicking the link below.
Thank you for your prayers and support.  May God bless you.