A New Direction
3:16 CCC has an ongoing desire to connect with people by creating an environment for ministry that will segue into interactive relationships. These developing friendships create a natural avenue through which the gospel is communicated from friend to friend, establishing an ever increasing network of Christ-followers. We at 3:16 CCC are pursuing opportunities to better make this vision a reality. More importantly, we sense that we are responding to a call that is God-directed and must therefore be followed.
Thru the work of volunteers and staff we desire to be a transforming presence in our community. Every spring we plant a Community Garden full of tomatoes, squash, cucumbers and peppers. We host monthly summer outdoor cook-outs and winter Community Bingo nights. We have Worship Services and Prayer Meetings, go on service trips and work projects. We seek to be a place that the surrounding community sees as a beacon of light and hope – a people who proclaim the Word of God and life-changing power of a Risen Savior.